Friday, August 10, 2012

Washington Plaza

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great week!
After years of inactivity I recently got myself to start exercising again. I have learned so much in the past month about living a better life through exercise so I thought why not share this information and new found energy with the kids?

I'm putting together a few beginner exercise moves and going through a couple a day with the kids. 

Explaining the benefits of the current exercise and which muscle or muscle groups it affects. My goal is to have the kids learn enough to put together a routine themselves that works out the whole body for a minimum of 25 minuets. If something is too difficult we can quickly search for a simpler variation. No equipment is needed.

I think it is best to establish an exercise routine at a young age the same as brushing your teeth or washing hands before eating.

I explained to the kids that exercise is not only about looking good. While it may take a month to notice a small physical appearance change, everyday that you workout is so good for you. Your body will love you for it, you will feel great energy throughout the day, I know I certainly do.