Friday, August 17, 2012

Casitas Del Sol

Here at Casitas we're getting back into the start of the new year!   The Blog is an excellent source of back up ideas when we can’t seem to find an idea or project to work on with the kids!

We began the week by coloring and filling out a “All about Me”  coloring activity page.  It was interesting to see how the kids engaged in the project to see what their favorite food is and what they’d like to be when they grow up and so forth…..

This coming week we will work on reading the book “The Rainbow Fish” along with a few activities I found on the web to go along with the lesson.  This activity is a community building and friendship building on the unique qualities every person has and no one should be made fun of if he/she looks different.  We will send finished project photos.  I blew up a fish on large butcher paper and the children will write special qualities they look for in friends or oneself on scales and we will glue on “the Rainbow Fish.”