Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lincoln Plaza

This week at Lincoln Plaza our focus has been on quite a few things.  Besides getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day and the coming Easter, which means SPRING!!!  This week we did a few water lilies to welcome Spring and we continued our Shamrock crafts.  On an exciting note, my students requested to join the reading with The Superstar Campaign.  WOW!  This is an awesome campaign brought to us by the WWE, which I have actually turned into a contest amongst the kids.  Whoever reads the most books gets a special treat from me, but if we reach our goal from now until Wrestlemania, 29 of 29 books, we will all get an ice cream sundae party.  I actually found this interesting because all of our students have actually enjoyed participating in this campaign and everything is done online.  Here is the website..the kids will enjoy it, trust me.