Friday, March 20, 2015

Cottonwood Creek

Hi from Cottonwood Creek,

We went all out decorating for St. Patties day!  It was fun because whenever a holiday approaches the children go all hands on deck to get the room looking festive!!  The children have also been really good about bringing in their homework assignments for review and assistance.  Speaking about homework, the children have also been practicing their writing goal with school work is to try and make it enjoyable.  Although homework is not always fun, anything I can do as the after school coordinator to help make it more understandable and digestible, the better.  So with their writing skills, I've been having the children color/make a picture and then create a story around the picture they've colored.  I know its not the most innovative idea but it does get the job done and the children seem to enjoy sharing their creativity to the rest of the group. We still have the story land wall where I place the stories up for all to see.  All is running smooth here and we already have transitioned into decorating for EASTER!  I as well as the children are very exited for this holiday!  More crafts and photos to follow soon!