Friday, September 14, 2012

Biola Village

Paper Airplanes

Here’s one simple activity I tried with the kids the other day.  I gave each child a sheet of white paper and asked them to make the fastest plane just using the one sheet of paper. Here’s the fun part, each plane needs a motor right?...we were creative.  To keep it simple we used can tops. They needed to place the can tops in key places on the plane. The winner would be the plane that would make it the farthest with the most can tops. Pretty fun right?!


Using our imagination I came up with this other challenge for the kids.  It’s a teamwork activity which means that they have to pick a partner. This time the challenge was with paper ships. The rules were simple, all they had to use were these materials:

·A sheet of white paper

Here’s the fun part, this time the ship that lasts the most time on board with the most amount of pennies wins.   Yeah!