Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cottonwood Creek


As promised here are the pictures from the crafts the kids made for Father's Day! First, the kids made a picture frame using popsicle sticks, yarn, magnets, and little trinkets for decoration. We started with just "weaving" the yarn onto the Popsicle sticks and going all the way around the frame. After that, we took the picture I had snapped a week prior and we glued/taped it to the frame.  Then, we placed a blank piece of construction paper on top of the picture so that the kids could write a little message. Finally, we put the magnets on the corners of the frame.  After the finishing touches the frame was done and could be displayed on the fridge!  We printed a poem and the kids took the little gifts on Friday (keep in mind this took us a few days because the weaving took some time).  The end result was wonderful, so it was well worth it.
The older kids also worked on refrigerator magnets for gifts for their fathers.  We used the air dry clay again and they were allowed to make what ever they desired. They let it dry for a couple of days and came back to paint them. After that, we just put the magnets on the back of the art work and it was ready! W
e enjoyed making gifts last week and we sure kept busy as well. The kids loved it and they came and told me all their dads had loved them too!