Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cottonwood Creek


These past couple of weeks have been busy!  Last week was the children's first week back to school. On the first day back I wanted to hear all about it and the kids were so willing to share and were exited to see all their friends and meet their new teachers.

For our activity, I printed a sheet with a blank backpack.  I suggested a few questions on the board and let the kids answer and color the sheet.  We went around and shared all about the new teachers and new classmates and about what they were expecting this new school year.  That same week I thought it would be a good time to go over healthy snacks and food they could have when they were in a rush to get to school or when they came home...so I printed a couple of pages and the children and I wrote as many health snacks we could think of using the things depicted on the coloring pages.

It was a good exercise because I have seen the kids carrying water and fruit or yogurt instead of the regular chips they so often reach for.  We've been trying to concentrate hard on the power play campaign so the older kids and I went over a slide show presentation titled "California dreamin."  While reviewing the slide show presentation, we played a game where if they had ever done the activity being discussed on the slide show they would mark a "yes" on a piece of paper.  For example, if the slide show showed skiing and they had been skiing before they would put a yes on a piece of paper at the end of the slide show we added up how many activities each one did and we are going to try to achieve all the activities shown on that slide show...whoever does all the activities first gets a prize!  We will keep you updated as to when someone gets all the activities done.  For now have a good productive week!