Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lincoln Plaza

Hello Coordinators,

Last week did some amazing and exiting things. For example, I divided the crafts between the boys and the girls. The boys' craft consisted of making an eagle out of Popsicle sticks, while the girls learned to make hair bows. I came across both ideas because of the fast approaching memorial weekend and noticed how expensive bows were at the local farmers market. Of course, a few boys wanted to make a bow for their younger siblings. I taught the girls how to make three different bows. They all loved this craft and insisted in continuing it this week!!!

We also focused on our outside activities, such as volleyball.  This week will be our final game and will be held on Wednesday, as I continue to teach both teams serving techniques, as well as ground coverage. Both teams have worked hard to get to the finale and I know it will not be an easy game for either of them.