Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lincoln Plaza

This week at Lincoln Plaza our focus has been on quite a few things.  Besides getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day and the coming Easter, which means SPRING!!!  This week we did a few water lilies to welcome Spring and we continued our Shamrock crafts.  On an exciting note, my students requested to join the reading with The Superstar Campaign.  WOW!  This is an awesome campaign brought to us by the WWE, which I have actually turned into a contest amongst the kids.  Whoever reads the most books gets a special treat from me, but if we reach our goal from now until Wrestlemania, 29 of 29 books, we will all get an ice cream sundae party.  I actually found this interesting because all of our students have actually enjoyed participating in this campaign and everything is done online.  Here is the website..the kids will enjoy it, trust me.



Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Joke of the Day

Q: What fish goes well with peanut butter?

A: A jelly fish!

Q: Why didn't the quarter roll down the hill with the nickel?

A: Because it had more cents.

Q: Why was the math book sad?

A: Because it had too many problems.

Q: Teacher: Now class, whatever I ask, I want you to all answer at once. How much is six plus 4?

A: Class: At once!

Q: Why didn't the two 4's want any dinner?

A: Because they already 8!

Q: How was the Roman Empire cut in half?

A: With a pair of Caesars!

Parksdale II

You wouldn't know by looking at the pictures below that we're still in Winter?  It's a nice sunny day to play outside and with days like these, it's so important to take advantage of our playground and get some exercise.  All my students are having a blast with their classmates.  Let's get fit and healthy!


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lincoln Plaza

Last week I asked my kinder class to do some strawberry arts and crafts and after seeing that my kinder got to do a fun project...well, let's just say that all of my upper grades wanted to do one as well. I felt this project was going to be hard at first but since many asked good questions and figured out a better way to be more creative, everyone was able to have fun while participating. Of course some were more excited about this project than others...after they dried the kids took them home to show off, leaving me with only a small number to take a picture of. You'll also be able to see our Shamrock Key Chains.  Lot's of learning and fun!


Joke of the Day

A history joke,

Q: Why were the early days of history called the dark ages?

A: Because there were so many knights!  LOL!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Parksdale II

Today the kids and I are getting ready for St. Patrick's day.  Everyone chose their own coloring paper designs.  We all hope that everyone is having a good day from Ms. A's class.


Lincoln Plaza

Fleur de lis in order to celebrate Fat Tuesday!  Mardi Gras!,

Some shamrocks which brought a little color to our computer room:),

and here is our pot of gold ready for St Patricks Day!!!


Cottonwood Creek

These past two weeks, a couple of children from the computer lab have welcomed new baby siblings into their families.  Because of all the excitement about family, the kids have had many different questions about my family.  I decided to take this opportunity to talk about families and include it in this week's art project.  We all made an abstract family tree!  It was fun because after we finished everyone shared a little more about their relatives.


Lincoln Plaza

Hello Coordinators,

Last week we began our St. Patrick’s Day preparation crafts.  However, upon my homework hour I noticed many of my students have been reading for about 20 minutes a day and when they begin to read I noticed many of them just read and expected me to sign their paper that they read.

So when I got home and watched wrestling, the WWE began promoting this new campaign called the superstar reading challenge.  Upon doing some research I noticed that it was several of the wrestlers involved and created a profile where they list their favorite books and encourage reading such as, when they travel that’s all they do.

One of the wrestlers who is known as a bad guy, pretty much made a valid point, that your imagination can take you anywhere you want to go as long as you read.  So this week if the website goes up again from the WWE site, I will make sure all of my kids sign up and you can read the books online and it does keep a record of how many books you read from now until Wrestlemania. WOW!!!, how cool is that!  The good thing about this campaign is when you reach a certain amount of books read you enter a drawing to win tickets to go to wrestlemania or have a superstar go to your school.  As soon as the website is up I will share the link with all of you.

This week we are also beginning to take down all of our Valentine’s Day crafts and prep our computer room with St. Patrick’s Day crafts.  My students are eager to learn new crafts and are willing to show off their sewing techniques which are what we will be doing this week.  We will be doing a few key chains out of felt along with a few shamrocks.  Last week we did a few St. Patrick’s Day crafts like shamrocks and bookmarks which lead me to think about the reading campaign.

Sand Creek

This week as with every week, I start by helping out students that need homework assistance, then with all the kids we all read a book as a group and then after we are done with the book they all write a few sentences about what the book was all about!  The book we read this time around was "Finding Nemo"...One of my students responded, "it's about a dad whose son is stolen or runs away so he goes out to look for him!"  Wow, responsible and loving dad!

Sunrise Villa

Here's some of the crafts Sunrise Villa worked on in the past week!  For Valentine's Day the students of Sunrise Villa/Villa Hermosa worked on really cool arts and crafts! They made coupons for loved ones as well as decorated their own cupcake!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rancho Lindo


Here at Rancho Lindo, the kids made some organizers for their room...we used cereal boxes and cans.  The kids were very creative, for example they made an airplane using popsicle sticks and clothespins and for Valentine's day, I had them make an ornament also using popsicle sticks and puzzle pieces!  These were glued and cut out of cardboard shaped like a heart...and on Friday we will be having nachos and a movie night!  Lots of fun and learning:)


Friday, February 15, 2013

Joke of the Day

Q:  Why did the Scarecrow get a promotion?

A:  Because he was outstanding in his field!

Q:  What did the gum say to the shoe?

A:  I’m stuck on you!


Today for Valentine's Day, the kids and I celebrated this wonderful and beautiful day by having a pizza party.  YUMMY!!!  Happy Valentines everyone!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Parksdale II

This is how the kids and I celebrated Valentine's Day....with a cool and delicious party.  Happy Valentine's Day everybody, hope that everyone spends this day with their loved ones.  Ms. A's class.


Villa De Guadalupe

Today the kids at Villa De Guadalupe made a "heart kitty cut out craft." I got this online, it is very simple to make, all they used was scissors, colors or markers & glue. I even joined them to make one because I thought it was too cute. Lol :) Happy Valentines everybody <3


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Goshen Village II

Hello everyone!

Last week we started to make a pinata for Valentines Day...children have also continued to make decorations.

I would like to share a little of what Valentine's Day means:

Saint Valentine's Day, commonly known as Valentine's Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is observed on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working day in most of them, Valentine’s Day is a time when people show feelings of love, affection and friendship. It is celebrated in many ways worldwide and falls on February 14 each year.  Please enjoy the children's artwork!


Casitas Del Sol

Kids at Casitas formed a circle of unity among friendship with their very own decorated cookie heart.  Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Joke of the Day

Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of yarn?

She had mittens!!!

Lincoln Plaza

These are last weeks projects. 

We also made our own playdough, which turned into awesome sparkly fun for many of our kids. This was a great project to do because the kids had a fun time making it, but at the same time they learned fractions and how to measure condiments.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Parksdale II

Today was a nice sunny day for the class to play outside.  Everyone was having a blast.  Yea Sunshine!!!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Joke of the Day

Why can't a bicycle stand up by itself?

-        Because it's two-tired!

Hey, did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off??

-        He’s all right now!!

Hey, did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda???

-        He was lucky it was a soft drink!!!

Parksdale II

Today the kids created a Valentine's Day card for a friend in their class.  WOW, what talent!!!


Cottonwood Creek

This week the children at Cottonwood Creek have been gearing up for Valentine's day! Some of them wanted to make teddy bears and put little messages on them, that way we could use them as decorations for the classroom.  We also made books with great art projects that the children had the opportunity to decide on.  They learned how to color and create a butterfly made out of hearts! 


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Parksdale II

Today the kid's made it, "vegetables and fruit day"...everyone was told to bring their own fruits. They also had a vegetable coloring's important that our students learn early on the importance of eating healthy and incorporating fruits and veggies into their daily diet.  GO HEALTHY!!!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lincoln Plaza

Here at Lincoln Plaza we are pretty much all set for Valentine's Day and super excited. All of my students had so much fun doing every craft...they all have an idea of what they would want to do as a card rather than buying them. This week our focus is the last card to make and moving onto new and exciting things.

This week I have decided to introduce Mardi Gras Masks, after all it is approaching and everyone can enjoy making masks. So I have brought in a few masks I have made throughout my lifetime and brought in one I used for a mascaraed ball and seemed to enjoy it. I warned them that this is a difficult and long process to make because of the drying time it will take.

All of my students are eager and very excited to take on this challenge. Of course, I did modify this mask a little because the original needs eyelash for the one's we will be making, we will use ribbon and velcro instead of eyelash glue. Yea Mardi Gras!!!