Friday, August 24, 2012

Cottonwood Creek

I found this flag mural online and I liked the way it will bring the children together. I am going to start by seeing what the children know about this tragic day and I am going to give them the facts and answer their questions if they have any. On a couple of their hand cut outs I am going to have the children write their feelings on it, for example on my hand cut out I am going to write how much I appreciate the people who put their lives in danger and those who died to protect us. When we finish this project I will see what the children want to do with it and I can deliver their flag mural to the fire department.

Flag Mural

Make a mural out of the children's  hands.

Using a selection of red, white and blue construction paper, ask the class to draw around their hands and cut them out.  As a group, paste each hand onto a  larger piece of paper, producing a United States flag.  Alternatively, each  child may make a number of paper hands.  Affix the hands directly to a window; decide if the class wants the flag to face outwards for all to see, or to face  the classroom.

Read more:  School Activities for 9/11 |